Friday, December 18, 2009

How do I clean up oil that has over time leaked from my old car onto the street?

I don't just want to wash it into the storm water system which empties into a nearby river.How do I clean up oil that has over time leaked from my old car onto the street?
You must use a absorbent... their are many brands and types (Any auto parts store should be able to help you out)

After removing the bulk of the oil mess, I recommend using a Bio-Degradable De-greaser... again their are many brands and types (See your local auto parts store)

If you want to use household items...

Saw Dust, Kitty Litter, etc (Absorbent)

Shampoo, Dish Soap, Laundry soap, etc (De-greaser)How do I clean up oil that has over time leaked from my old car onto the street?
Well if it is dry, you can go to your local parts store and i dont know what the product is called but its like a gell and you put it over it and then you put cat litter or equivlent over it to suck it up. I usually just use gasoline and some floor spill, thats an automotive version of kitty litter basically. Good luck with that and thanx for not just washing it down the storm drain.
Scrape up as much as you can with a putty knife or a hoe then put on a soap powder directly onto the spot and slightly dampen, then leave overnight. Scrub and wash the next day using the minimum amt. of water then using a wet vacuum, vacuum up the mess. dispose of at your closest hazardous waste facility.
Post your question in motorcycles. Those Harley-Davidson owners will know.
Use cat litter and rub it into the spill using a push broom or your foot, (with shoes on of course). Then just sweep it up.
Buy a bag of cheep cat litter it absorbs the oil and sweeps up easily. Do not buy the scoopable it will make a mess.
Good for you for being responsible!! Kitty Litter.

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