Friday, December 18, 2009

How do you get car oil out of dog hair?

its a white dog what about dawn soap akbashHow do you get car oil out of dog hair?
Yep..Dawn dishsoap (it is what they use for birds/animals in oil spills...also kills fleas)

As mentioned above..I would also follow with a mild shampoo.How do you get car oil out of dog hair?
Dawn Works. So does human shampoo.
this may seem a little strange but it works give your dog a bath with dawn dish washing liquid but dont get it into there eyes after the dawn bath just wash them with there normal pet shampoo and it will be fine
The soap would work. If the dog has skin problems go buy the scent free type(I would anyways dogs skin tends to dry out easily)
Dawn detergent is what I use, but then I use a very mild dog shampoo after....usually Oatmeal or something soothing for the skin and then a conditioner to put some moisture back in the hair.
I use Palmolive dishwashing liquid to remove thw oil, it works a treat. Afterwards thouth make sure you use a gentle dog shampoo (and conditioner if you have some) on him just to sooth his skin :-)
Detergents, like dawn are good for dishes, but not usually for dogs. Maybe if you washed him afterward with regular dog shampoo? I'm not sure WHAT you could use, as it's obviously NOT good for the dog to have car oil on him! I'd call a groomer and ask what they use. I did a search but all I found was how to get dog oil out of carpets, etc.! good luck!
When I was showing my Standard Poodle years ago I would use dish soap to clean out all the oil in his coat then I would blow dry his hair. As far as I am concerned it is totally safe and works very well, if you are a mechanic and you need to get oil and grease off your hands same thing dish soap and a brush. Just make sure you rinse the hair well to get the soap out of your dogs hair.
Put GOOP on it and let it soak for a bit, then bathe him.

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